Balance 2024
A happy 2025 to everybody. Like every year we want to give everybody the posibility to learn how much money we spent and on what.
During the year of 2024 we gave 520,50€ to the gramos school for general needs,spent 863,8€ in constructions and 2033,82€ for schoolfees, food and the schooltour. So altogether we spent 3418,12€.
We thank all our friends and supporters to help gramos stay alive.
The new schoolyear in Uganda will satrt on 3rd of february and we are happy to go on there.
Like every year we visited our 'family' in Uganda. Like always we were well received and could see the progresses and, for sure, participate in some more progresses.
Apart of the already mandatory tour for the p7 we paid for waterfilters for the gramos school and some seconary schools were a lot of former gramos students learn.
Aditionaly we installed lights with movement sensor at the latrins, made another floor of a class and some thinigs more.
There is still a lot to do, but little by little we proceed...
New e-mail address
Balance 2023
Another year has pased and a lot of things happened. The school got some doors and windows and, most important, the borehole was improved so now there is enough water for all the school.
Like every year we also made a trip with the students of the seventh year, this time to a museum concerning the beginning of christianisation in Uganda, an institution of agrarial research and to Mabira Forest, one of the biggest rainforests in Uganda.
Apart of the regular support for the gramos school we also enabled two girls and one boy the access to secondary school.
In total we spent 4886,03€ during 2023. Many thanks to all of the donators who helped the project going on even in times when life gets harder for everybody.
For sure there are already plans for the next year and we will try to keep everybody informed.
Exams 2022
Balance 2022
Although the times are harder for many people, there was a lot of help from friends of gramos so we were able to go on with support and constructions. During a visit at the school we payed for the treatment of a nearly deaf girl so at least she did not lose all ability of hearing. There were also some constructions and a trip of the last class to show them a little bit the country outside their village, give some practical learning and an exciting day as reward for their hard learning. And for sure there was the monthly money we send to help the school going on. In addition there are fees for the secondary school of a girl who got a scholarship, her uniform and materials.
In total numbers we spent 3233.98€ and still have some money to go on soon with new constructions.
The Impact of the European war
Not only in Europe we feel the inflation, also in Uganda the prices are rising. Fuels are nearly twice as expensive as half a year ago and there is no governmental price fixing as in European countries. As a consequence the prices for public transport have also increased as did those for food and commodities.
It is very hard for the people and we are happy that the Gramos School is in a village and not in the city. Thanks to our help many parents pay school fees with food, so the children can go to school and they have to eat, something far from been granted in Uganda.
We are association
Balance 2021
Most part of the last year, the school had to stay closed because of the covid restrictions in Uganda. But thanks to the help of all friends of gramos, we could go on with our support and help them keeping their teachers, what is very important now as due to their long unemployment many teachers started other buisinesses and now it is hard to find good teachers.
There were also some imorovements in constructions that will go on step by step.
At all we spent 2693€ of with about 750€ were direct for constructionmaterials, and a solarsystem.
Thanks to all supporters of gramos school
Schools open
Finally the schools could open on the 10th of january. After nearly two years without regular school we are very happy. But also the children are happy... free time on a sunday
During a visit we helped with some constructions and improvements at the school and made a tour with the p7. The idea is, that every year the students of p7 make a tour not only as a reward for their hard work but also in order that they can see directly the things they learned about in school.
Schools reopening?
The minister of education, who by pure accident is also the wife of eternal president Museveni, anounced that all school shall reopen on 10th of January.
We hope that this time it is true and they don't find another excuse to abstract the childrens chance for a future and education.
Schools opening 2022?
The old wise man, president Museveni, anounced on wednesday, 22th of september, that places of worshipping and markets may open but it would be in best interest for familys when schools open not before january 2022.
There are for sure also voices calling for sooner opening, as children play anyway together on the streets, but a man who leads his people for nearly 40 years might know better...
Still no plan for reopening schools
When schools were closed again in june, it was said this would be for six weeks. Still the schools are not reopened. It is also not likely that they will open soon, as only vaccinated teachers will be admitted. But even if they want, the jab, there is not enough vaccine although the rich nations donate generously their Astra-Zaneca they don't want... In addition the health ministry threatens with the horror of a third wave.
Most Ugandans only now of the high danger of Covid from press and TV, as the main causes of death in Uganda are still HIV/AIDS for adults, Influenza, diarrhoeal diseases and Malaria. (Source:
Teachers of Gramos do their best to visit children in their homes but some come from far away and distance teaching is for most of Ugandans not possible because of lack of devices.
Exam results
Schools closed again
In six week schools shall reopen again but the plan is that only vaccinated teachers shall be allowed. The government won't organize teh vaccination, this will be job of the schools.
Not only is this a huge challenge for schools, it also put teachers to tehchoice to be vaccinated with a vaccione not tested on long term or losing their job...
school plans/exams
The p7 students are going to sit their exams soon, we wish them loads of success...
Since March till end of June the p5 and p6 are allowed at school, in April, when the p7 left school and the students are waiting for the results of their exams, also p3 starts, they will learn untill beginning of July. The p1 and p2 will start later for some weeks, for the nurcery there is no opening sheduled.
There are also no plans, how school should go on after this time. Considering that life in Uganda is not as restricted as in Europe and children are together outside schools, more and more politicans ask the minister of education, which is the wife of perpetual president Museveni, to reopen schools completely. Not only that the poorer children and those living in small villages are not really schooled since one year, also schools are struggeling because when less children don't go to school there are less fees, but the teachers have to be salaried. So for education sector these are still hard times...
recapitulation 2020
We helped with first emergency helps in the end of march and thanks to all our supporters were able to help the school, children and teachers to survive.
During the year we transfered 2490€ to the school, thanks to all the people helping us.
With this money they not only survived , started classes for the last year in october and payed the registrationfees for those pupils who do the exam next march, they also installed doors at the latrines (normal for us but not in a land where only 25% of the population has access to latrines at all) and gave the building at the entrance a roof.
Many thanks to all supporters, we will go on in 2021 and hope for best development, in Europe as in Africa